Education Review
Volume 8 2001
Apple, Michael W. (1996) Cultural Politics and Education.
Reviewed by Dieter Misgeld,
The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
of the University of Toronto
John-Steiner, Vera. (2000). Creative Collaboration.
Reviewed by Elizabeth Creamer, Virginia Tech
Ravitch, Diane (2000). Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms.
Reviewed by Herbert Zimiles,
Arizona State University
Kennedy, Donald. (1997). Academic Duty.
Reviewed by Courtney Welch,
Texas Woman's University
Lindsey, Randall B.; Robins, Nuri; & Terrell, Raymond D. (1999). Cultural Proficiency:
A Manual for School Leaders.
Reviewed by Brenda Campbell Jones,
Azusa Pacific University
Westhues, Kenneth. (1998). Eliminating Professors: A Guide to the Dismissal Process.
Reviewed by Peggy Brandt Brown,
University of North Texas
Cherryholmes, Cleo H. (1999). Reading Pragmatism.
Reviewed by Gail Masuchika Boldt,
The University of Iowa
Birnbaum, Robert. (2000). Management fads in higher education: Where they come from,
what they do, why they fail.
Reviewed by Bob Barnetson,
Alberta Colleges
Chomsky, Noam. (2000). Chomsky on MisEducation.
Reviewed by Michael W. Apple, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Eric Schlosser. (2001). Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal.
Reviewed by Michael W. Apple, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Hayes, Elizabeth; Flannery, Daniele D. with Brooks, Ann; Tisdell, Elizabeth; and Hugo, Jane. (2000).
Women as Learners: The Significance of Gender in Adult Learning.
Reviewed by Richard W. Race, Keele University
Burbules, Nicholas C. and Callister Jr., Thomas A. (2000). Watch IT: The risks and
promises of information technology for education.
Reviewed by Lynda Tisa, University of Delaware and
Eugene Matusov, University of Delaware
Smart, John C., Feldman, Kenneth A., and Ethington, Corinna A. (2000). Academic Disciplines:
Holland's Theory and the Study of College Students and Faculty.
Reviewed by Marc Cutright,
Johns Hopkins University
Nussbaum, Martha. (2000). Women and human development: The capabilities approach.
Reviewed by John Ambrosio, University of Washington
Bowers, C. A. (2000). Let Them Eat Data: How Computers Affect Education, Cultural Diversity,
and the Prospects of Ecological Sustainability.
Reviewed by Bryan R. Warnick, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ross, E. Wayne. (2001). The Social Studies Curriculum: Purposes, Problems, and Possibilities (Revised Edition).
Reviewed by Patrick McQuillan,
Lynch School of Education, Boston College
Dooley, David. (2001). Social Research Methods. (Fourth Edition)
Reviewed by W. Paul Vogt,
Illinois State University
Dahlström Lars (Ed.). (2000). Namibian Educators Research Their Own Practice: Critical Practitioner Inquiry in Namibia.
Reviewed by Christine Capacci Carneal,
Florida State University
Ravitch, Diane. (2000). Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms.
Reviewed by John L. Rury,
DePaul University
Juvonen, Jaana and Graham, Sandra. (Eds.) (2001). Peer Harassment in School. The Plight of the Vulnerable and Victimized.
Reviewed by Ruth Rees,
Queen's University
Finkin, Matthew W. (1996). The Case For Tenure.
Reviewed by Peggy Brandt Brown,
University of North Texas
Kennedy, Kerry (Editor). (1997). Citizenship Education and the Modern State.
Reviewed by Leslie J. Limage,
Stromquist, Nelly P. and Monkman, Karen. (Editors). (2000). Globalization and Education: Integration and Contestation Across Cultures. 2nd Edition.
Reviewed by Donald B. Holsinger,
Brigham Young University
Halaby, Mona Hajjar. (2000). Belonging: Creating Community in the Classroom.
Reviewed by Amy Klutzke,
Purdue University
Meister, Jeanne C. (1998). Corporate universities: Lessons in building a world-class work force. (Rev. ed.).
Reviewed by Gene E. Fusch,
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Anijar, Karen. (2000). Teaching Toward the 24th Century: Star Trek as Social Curriculum.
Reviewed by Peter Appelbaum,
Arcadia University
Fields, A. Belden and Feinberg, Walter. (2001). Education and Democratic Theory: Finding a Place for Community Participation in Public School Reform
Reviewed by Stacy Smith,
Bates College
Leedy, Paul. D, and Ormrod, Jeanne E. (2001). Practical Research: Planning and Design. (7th Ed.).
Reviewed by Marie Miller-Whitehead,
Tennessee Valley Educators for Excellence
DiGiulio, Robert C. (2001). Educate, Medicate, or Litigate? What Teachers, Parents, and Administrators Must Do about Student Behavior.
Reviewed by Nelda R. Cockman,
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Baron, S., Field, J., and Schuller, T. (2000) Social Capital: Critical Perspectives.
Reviewed by Richard W. Race
Keele University
Jackson, Philip W. (1998). John Dewey and the Lessons of Art.
Reviewed by Tracie E. Costantino,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Byrnes, J.P. (2001). Minds, Brains and Learning: Understanding the Psychological and Educational Relevance of Neuroscientific Research.
Reviewed by Simon M. McCrea,
University of Alberta
Fernando Reimers (Ed.).(2000). Unequal Schools, Unequal Chances: The Challenges to Equal Opportunity in the Americas.
Reviewed by James J. Harrington,
Boston College
Patton, Sarah, and Mondale, Sarah, (Producers). (2001). School: The Story of American Public Education.
Reviewed by Sherman Dorn,
University of South Florida
Neuman, S.B. & Dickinson, D.K. (Eds.). (2001). Handbook of Early Literacy Research.
Reviewed by Catherine O'Callaghan, Iona College
Fischman, Gustavo E. (2000). Imagining Teachers: Rethinking Gender Dynamics in Teacher Education.
Reviewed by Karen Monkman and Rachel Sutz,
Florida State University
Hocking, Brent; Haskell, Johnna; and Linds, Warren. (Eds.) (2001) Unfolding Bodymind: Exploring Possibility Through Education, Volume Three of the Foundations of Holistic Education Series.
Reviewed by Jack Whitehead,
University of Bath
Morgan, Susan E., Reichert, Tom, & Harrison, Tyler R. (2002). From Numbers to Words: Reporting Statistical Results for the Social Sciences.
Reviewed by Lise DeShea,
University of Kentucky
Millman, Jason (Ed.). (1997). Grading Teachers, Grading Schools: Is Student Achievement a Valid Evaluation Measure?
Reviewed by Marie Miller-Whitehead,
Tennessee Valley Educators for Excellence
Willinsky, John. (1998). Learning to Divide the World: Education at Empire's End.
Reviewed by Tom Barone,
Arizona State University
McLaren, Peter (2000). Che Guevara, Paulo Freire, and the Pedagogy of Revolution.
Ruth Rikowski,
University of Greenwich, London
Freire, Paulo. (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed (30th Anniversary Edition).
Reviewed by Gail Kidd
Purdue University
Cook, Vivian (2001). Second Language Learning and Language Teaching (3rd Edition).
Reviewed by Marysia Johnson,
Arizona State University
Martella, Ronald C.; Nelson, Ronald; and Marchand-Martella, Nancy E. (1999). Research Methods: Learning to Become a Critical Research Consumer.
Reviewed by Ann M. Jablonski,
Marywood University
Janice Ross (2000). Moving Lessons: Margaret H'Doubler and the Rise of Dance in
American Education.
Reviewed by Donald S. Blumenfeld-Jones,
Arizona State University
McDonald, Janet.(1999). Project Girl.
Ursula Casanova,
Arizona State University
Power, Thomas J., Karustis, James L., & Habboushe, Dina F. (2001). Homework Success for Children with ADHD: A Family-School Intervention Program.
Kathleen Rutowski,
Arizona State University
Batory, Joseph P. (1999). Yo! Joey!: The Unique Memoirs of an Unusual School Superintendent.
Reviewed by Helen C. Sobehart, Duquesne University
Herrnstein, Richard and Murray, Charles. (1994). The Bell Curve: Class Structure and the Future of America.
Reviewed by John C. Culbertson
University of Kansas