Education Review
Volume 11 2004
Dann, Ruth. (2002). Promoting Assessment as Learning: Improving the Learning Process.
Reviewed by Michael Friga,
SUNY Cortland
Roth, Wolff-Michael and Barton, Angela Calabrese. (2004). Rethinking Scientific Literacy.
Reviewed by Jennifer K. Holtz,
DePaul University
Bohan, Chara Haeussler. (2004) Go to the Sources: Lucy Maynard Salmon and the Teaching of History.
Reviewed by Brett A. Berliner, Morgan State University
Kumashiro, Kevin K. (2004) Against Common Sense: Teaching and Learning Toward Social Justice.
Reviewed by Regina Trudy Praetorius, Louisiana State University
Clarke, Anthony and Erickson, Gaalen (Editors). (2003) Teacher Inquiry: Living the Research in
Everyday Practice. Reviewed by Alcione N. Ostorga, University of Texas Pan American
Spillane, James P. (2004) Standards deviation: how schools misunderstand education policy.
Reviewed by Adam Lefstein, King's College
Grabelle, Samantha. (2004) The BIG picture: Education is everyone's business.
Reviewed by Naomi Jeffery Petersen, Indiana University South Bend
Tolley, Kim. (2003) The Science Education of American Girls.
Reviewed by Amy E. Ryken, University of Puget Sound
Robins, Kevin and Webster, Frank. (2002) The Virtual University? Knowledge, Markets and Management.
Reviewed by John Rothfork, Northern Arizona University
Tight, Malcolm (2002) Key Concepts in Adult Education and Training. Second Edition.
Reviewed by Douglas Fleming, University of British Columbia
Starratt, Robert J. (2004) Ethical leadership. Reviewed by Daniel J. Torlone,
University of Saint Francis
McGuinness, Diane (2004) Early Reading Instruction: What Science Really
Tells Us About How to Teach Reading. Reviewed by Gale A. Mentzer
Peterson, Nadene & Cortéz González, Roberto. (2000) The Role of Work In People's Lives:
Applied Career Counseling And Vocational Psychology. Reviewed by Jennifer M. Whitney,
The Ohio State University
Belfiore, Mary Ellen; Defoe, Tracy A.; Folinsbee, Sue; Hunter, Judy; & Jackson, Nancy S. (2004)
Reading Work: Literacies in the New Workplace. Reviewed by Amy E. Ryken, University of Puget Sound
Zimmerman, Barry J. & Schunk, Dale H. (Eds).(2003) Educational Psychology: A Century of Contributions.
Reviewed by Naomi Jeffery Petersen, Indiana University, South Bend
Davies, Brent & Ellison, Linda. (2003) The New Strategic Direction and Development of the School:
Key Frameworks for School Improvement Planning. Reviewed by Linda R. Vogel, University of Northern Colorado
Teferra, Damtew. (2003) Scientific Communication in African Universities: External
Assistance and National Needs. Reviewed by Marc Cutright, Ohio University
Freeman, David E. & Freeman, Yvonne S. (2004) Essential Linguistics: What You Need to Know to
Teach Reading, ESL, Spelling, Phonics, and Grammar. Reviewed by Susan Spezzini,
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Hamilton, Richard and Moore, Dennis. (Editors). (2004) Educational interventions for refugee children.
Theoretical perspectives and implementing best practice. Reviewed by Ruth Rees, Queen's University
Scapp, Ron. (2003) Teaching Values: Critical Perspectives on Education, Politics, and Culture.
Reviewed by Melanie Shoffner, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Sklra, Linda, and Scheurich, James Joseph. (Eds) (2004) Educational Equity and Accountability.
Reviewed by Ben Levin, University of Manitoba
Mok, Ka-ho, and Welch, Anthony. (2003) Globalization and Educational Restructuring in the
Asia Pacific Region. Reviewed by Mary Ratchford Douglass, University of Missouri, Columbia
Salmon, Gilly. (2004) E-moderating: The Key to Teaching and Learning Online (2nd Edition).
Reviewed by Susan Crichton, University of Calgary
Johnson, LouAnne. (2004) The Queen of Education: Rules for Making Schools Work.
Reviewed by Alan Haskvitz
Author's Rebuttal to the Review of The Queen of Education by LouAnne Johnson
Zwick, R. (Ed.). (2004) Rethinking the SAT: The Future of Standardized Testing in
University Admissions. Reviewed by Ethan Arenson, University of California, Santa Cruz
Vincent, Carol (Ed.) (2003) Social Justice, Education and Identity.
Reviewed by Eric Jabal, OISE of the University of Toronto
Kenny, Lorraine D. (2000) Daughters of Suburbia: Growing Up White, Middle Class, and Female.
Reviewed by Kate K. Paxton, Arizona State University
MacBeath, John and Sugimine, Hidenori with Sutherland, Gregor, and Mishimura, Miki. (2003) Self-evaluation
in the Global Classroom. Reviewed by Mary Ransdell, University of Memphis
Murphy, J. (Ed.). (2002) The educational leadership challenge: Redefining leadership for the 21st century.
Reviewed by Arnold B. Danzig & Trisha Fritz, Arizona State University
Kohn, Alfie. (2004) What Does It Mean to Be Well Educated? and More Essays on Standards,
Grading, and Other Follies. Reviewed by Mohammed S. Almosa, University of Minnesota
National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine. (2004) Engaging Schools: Fostering
High School Students' Motivation to Learn. Reviewed by Terrell L. Strayhorn, Virginia Tech
Graves, Joseph L. (2002) The Emperor's New Clothes: Biological Theories of Race at the
Millennium. Reviewed by Matthew W. Hughey, University of Virginia
Forbes, Sally & Briggs, Connie. (2003) Research in Reading Recovery (Volume Two).
Reviewed by Guy Trainin & Mindy Murphy Easley, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Goodman, Robin Truth. (2004) World, Class, Women: Global Literature, Education and Literature.
Reviewed by Sheila L. Macrine, Saint Joseph's University
Patchen, Martin. (2004) Making Our Schools More Effective: What Matters and What Works.
Reviewed by Alan Haskvitz
Stringer, Ernest T. (2004) Action research in education.
Reviewed by Eugene Bartoo, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Thelin, John R. (2004) A History of American Higher Education.
Reviewed by Michael W. Simpson, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Kirp, David L. (2003) Shakespeare, Einstein, and the Bottom Line: The Marketing of Higher Education.
Reviewed by John Rothfork, Northern Arizona University
Cooter, R.B. (Ed.). (2004) Perspectives on rescuing urban literacy education:
Spies, saboteurs and saints. Reviewed by Irene Rosenthal, The College of St. Rose
Ordorika, Imanol. (2003) Power and Politics in University Governance:
Organization and Change at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
Reviewed by James J. Harrington, Nativity Preparatory School
Addis, Cameron. (2003) Jefferson's Vision for Education, 1760-1845.
Reviewed by Aaron Cooley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
O'Grady, Jean and French, Goldwin. (Eds.) (2000) Northrop Frye's Writings on Education.
Reviewed by Brian Russell Graham, University of Glasgow
Brabeck, M., Walsh, M. and Latta, R. (Eds.) (2003) Meeting at the Hyphen: Schools -- Universities --
Communities -- Professions in Collaboration for Student Achievement and Well Being.
Reviewed by Elsie M. Szecsy, Arizona State University
Bess, James. (Ed.). (1996).\ Teaching well and liking it: Motivating faculty to teach effectively.
Reviewed by Jim Vander Putten, University of Arkansas-Little Rock
Lindaman, Dana and Kyle Ward. (2004) History Lessons: How Textbooks from around the
World Portray U.S. History. Reviewed by Brett Berliner, Morgan State University
Nisbett, Richard E. (2004) The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently ... and Why.
Reviewed by Karen E. Petersen, Portland State University
Stead, Tony. (2004) Time for nonfiction [Four tape video set].
Reviewed by Cathy Tower, University of Toledo, and Alison K. Billman, Michigan State University
Johnson, Susan Moore. (2004 ) Finders and Keepers: Helping New Teachers Survive and
Thrive in Our Schools. Reviewed by Susannah Buckley, Creighton School District, Phoenix, Arizona
Stern, Sol. (2003) Breaking Free. Reviewed by Andrew Brodsky, University of Colorado
Crossley, Michael & Watson, Keith (2003) Comparative and International Research in Education:
Globalization, Context and Difference. M. Fernanda Astiz, Canisius College
Smith, Mary Lee with Miller-Kahn, Linda; Heinecke, Walter; Jarvis, Patricia F; and Noble, Audrey. (2003).
Political Spectacle and the Fate of American Schools. Reviewed by Joanne Bookmyer, University of California, Davis
Perry, Theresa; Steele, Claude & Hilliard III, Asa. (2003) Young, gifted and black:
Promoting high achievement among African-American students.
Reviewed by Robert Q. Berry III, Old Dominion University
Tiramonti, G., & Filmus, D. (2001) Sindicalismo docente y reforma en America Latina
(Teachers' Unions and Reform in Latin America) (1 ed.).
Reviewed by Sarah A. Robert, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Holyfield, Lori. (2002) Moving Up and Out: Poverty, Education, and the Single Parent Family.
Michele S. Moses, Arizona State University
Perry, Theresa; Steele, Claude & Hilliard III, Asa. (2003) Young, gifted and black:
Promoting high achievement among African-American students.
Reviewed by Robert Q. Berry III, Old Dominion University
Mercogliano, Chris. (2003) Teaching the Restless: One School's Remarkable No-Ritalin
Approach to Helping Children Learn and Succeed. Reviewed by Terry L. Stoops, University of Virginia
Carlson, Dennis (2002)
Leaving Safe Harbors: Toward a New Progressivism in American Education and Public Life.
New York, NY: Routledge Farmer.
Reviewed by Richard J. Marchesani,
Elmira College
Melton, Reginald F. (2002) Planning and developing open and distance learning:
A quality assurance approach. Reviewed by Cheri A. Toledo, Illinois State University
Carchidi, Daniel M. (2003) The Virtual Delivery and Virtual Organization of Postsecondary Education.
Reviewed by Elsie M. Szecsy, Arizona State University
Outcalt, Charles. (2002). A Profile of the Community College Professorate, 1975-2000.
Reviewed by John P. Murray, Texas Tech University
Johnson, Benjamin; Kavanagh, Patrick; and Mattson, Kevin (Eds.). (2003) Steal This University:
The Rise of the Corporate University and the Academic Labor Movement.
Reviewed by John Rothfork, Northern Arizona University
Carnoy, M., Elmore, R., & Sisken, L. S. (Eds.) (2003) The new accountability:
High schools and high-stakes testing. Reviewed by Sharon L. Nichols, Arizona State University
Kortman, S. A., & Honaker, C. J. (2002) The BEST Mentoring Experience: A Framework for
Professional Development. Reviewed by Michele Jacobsen, University of Calgary
Janovy, Jr., John. (2003) Teaching in Eden: Lessons from Cedar Point.
Reviewed by Ruth Rees, Queen's University
Saltman, K.J., & Gabbard, D.A. (Eds.). (2003) Education as enforcement: The militarization and
corporatization of schools. Reviewed by Michael W. Simpson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wagner, Tony. (2002) Making the grade: Reinventing America's schools.
Reviewed by Dick Carpenter, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Cornford, James and Pollock, Neil. (2003) Putting the University Online: Information,
Technology and Organizational Change. Reviewed by F. Nevra Seggie, Michigan State University
Preston, David Seth (ED.). (2003) The Idea of Education. Reviewed by
David J. Roof, University of New Mexico
Fu, Danling (2003) An Island of English: Teaching ESL in Chinatown.
Reviewed by Clarissa Thompson, University of Colorado at Boulder
Ramanathan, Vai. (2002) The Politics of TESOL Education: Writing, Knowledge, Critical Pedagogy.
Reviewed by Jon Reyhner, Northern Arizona University
Fullan, Michael. (2003) The Moral Imperative of School Leadership.
Reviewed by Anthony H. Normore, Florida International University
Bok, Derek. (2003) Universities in the Marketplace: The Commercialization of Higher Education.
Reviewed by John Rothfork, Northern Arizona University
Lombardi, J. C., Saviani, D. & Sanfelice, J. L. (Eds.) (2002) Capitalismo, Trabalho e Educacion.
Reviewed by John P. Myers, University of Toronto
Swanson, H.L., Harris, K.R. & Graham, S. (Eds.). (2003) Handbook of learning disabilities.
Reviewed by Patricia Mytkowicz, Curry College
Parker, Walter C. (2003) Teaching democracy: Unity and diversity in public life.
Reviewed by Becky Ropers-Huilman, Louisiana State University
Kamibeppu, Takao. (2002) History of Japanese policies in education aid to developing
countries: 1950s-1990s. Reviewed by Ken-ichi Maruyama
Steinberg, Shirley and Kincheloe, Joe. (Eds.) (2004) 19 Urban Questions: Teaching in the City.
Reviewed by Michele Knobel, Montclair State University
Gaudelli, William (2003) World Class: Teaching and Learning in Global Times.
Reviewed by John Rothfork, Northern Arizona University
Archibugi, Daniele, and Lundvall, Bengt-ake. (2001) The Globalizing Learning Economy.
Reviewed by Wayne White, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Costa, Arthur L. & Kallick, Bena. (2004) Assessment Strategies for Self-directed Learning.
Reviewed by Anthony Truog, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Coffin, Caroline; Curry, Mary Jane; Goodman, Sharon; Hewings, Ann; Lillis, Theresa M.; and Swann, Joan. (2003)
Teaching Academic Writing: A Toolkit for Higher Education. Lillian Biermann Wehmeyer, Azusa Pacific University
Barnett, Ronald. (2003) Beyond All Reason: Living With Ideology in the University.
Reviewed by Chad Hanson, Casper College
Goodlad, Stephen J. (Editor). (2001) The Last Best Hope: A Democracy Reader.
Reviewed by Pieter Vanhuysse, University of Haifa
Callan, Eamonn. (2004) Creating Citizens: Political Education and Liberal Democracy and
Feinberg, Walter. (1999) Common Schools/Uncommon Identities: National Unity and Cultural
Differences. Reviewed by Thomas F. Green, Syracuse University
Jonassen, David H. (Ed.) (2003) Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology.
Reviewed by Yong Zhao & Jing Lei, Michigan State University
Barry, Brian. (2001) Culture and Equality: An Egalitarian Critique of Multiculturalism.
Reviewed by Aaron Cooley, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Luttrell, Wendy. (2003) Pregnant Bodies, Fertile Minds: Gender, Race, and the
Schooling of Pregnant Teens. Reviewed by Donna Adair Breault, Illinois State University
Tynjala, Paivi; Lucia Mason & Kirsti Lonka (Eds.). (2001) Writing as a Learning Tool:
Integrating Theory and Practice. Reviewed by David K. Pugalee, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Kane, Sharon. (2003) Literacy & Learning in the Content Areas.
Reviewed by Donna W. Jorgensen, Rowan University
Maeroff, Gene I. (2003) A Classroom of One: How Online Learning is Changing Our Schools and Colleges.
Reviewed by John Rothfork, Northern Arizona University
Ogbu, John (2003) Black American Students in an Affluent Suburb: A Study of Academic Disengagement.
Reviewed by Yovonda Ingram, College of Notre Dame of Maryland
Swanson, J. L., & Fouad, N.A. (1999) Career Theory and Practice: Learning Through Case Studies.
Reviewed by Kimberly Hendry, The Ohio State University
Ayers, William; Dohrn, Bernadine & Ayers, Rick. (Eds.) (2001) Zero tolerance
Reviewed by Dick M. Carpenter II, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Rowling, J. K. (2003) Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix: Year Five at Hogwarts.
Reviewed by Eric Margolis, Arizona State University
Raschke, Carl A. (2002) The Digital Revolution and the Coming of the Postmodern University.
Reviewed by Charalambos Vrasidas and Michalinos Zembylas, Intercollege, Nicosia, Cyprus
Kaufman, J., Ewing, M., Montgomery, D. Hyle, A., & Self, P. (2003) From girls in their elements to women in science: Rethinking socialization through memory-work.
Reviewed by Shirley Gholston Key, University of Memphis