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Michel, Sonya. (1999). Children's Interests/Mothers' Rights: The
Shaping of America's Child Care Policy. New Haven, Conn.:
Yale University Press
xii + 432 pp.
$35 (Cloth) ISBN 0-300-05951-5
Rose, Elizabeth. (1999). A
Mother's Job: The History of Day Care, 1890-1960.
New York: Oxford University Press
xi + 296 pp.
$45 (Cloth) ISBN 0-19-511112-5
Reviewed by Kriste Lindenmeyer Tennessee Technological
At first glance it might appear
that Sonya Michel and Elizabeth Rose are unlucky scholars who
simultaneously published the same book. To the contrary: Michel's
and Rose's works are complementary and well-documented studies
that each make a distinct contribution to the history of day care
in the United States. Together they reveal a complex story that
aids those interested in this topic and the related histories of
social welfare, public policy, education, childhood, family, and
women. Michel and Rose began their studies as Ph.D.
dissertations, but both works have benefited from extensive
Each also builds on the previously
published work of scholars such as Barbara Beatty, Mary Frances
Berry, Hamilton Cravens, Susan Hartmann, Molly Ladd-Taylor, and
others touching on the history of day care as an issue within
larger themes.
But Michel and Rose provide the first
comprehensive examinations of the history of day care in the
U.S.. Both authors also address why, despite a long history of
need, the United States has no national day care policy.
As her title accurately suggests,
Sonya Michel traces the development of day care policy at the
national level from the 1790s to the present by examining the
writings of policy makers and the records of institutions. Michel
reveals a history where women's rights and children's
interests often collided. She concludes that despite a growing
population of wage-earning mothers in America by the early
twentieth century, state-supported day care became negatively
linked to poverty, and therefore class and race. Rose, using
Philadelphia as a case study, centers on the delivery of child
care from 1890 to 1960. Using the records of two Philadelphia day
care centers (Wharton Centre and Neighborhood Center Day
Nursery), Rose shows which mothers used day care facilities and
what those centers were like. She concludes that shifting
attitudes about motherhood, charity, and the needs of children by
day care providers and mothers were strong forces shaping the
actual delivery of services.
In a recent editorial in The
Chronicle of Higher Education ,
Ruth Rosen notes that women now comprise half of many university
departments. But she laments, the numbers do not constitute
equality for women in academia because "colleges and
universities [are organized] around the male experience. Now that
there is a critical mass of women, we need to reconsider the lack
of child care . . . and other 'normal' patterns . . . as
though women mattered" (original emphasis). Sonya Michel
would certainly agree. Children's Interests/Mothers' Rights
examines the history of day care in the United States as part of
American women's efforts to access full "social
citizenship." Defined by political theorist T. H. Marshall
in his 1950 book, Citizenship and Social Class, Michel
explains that full social
citizenship requires unrestricted access to economic
In other words, poverty-stricken
individuals, or those denied full access to the wage marketplace,
are unable to participate as full citizens. For Michel, universal
government sponsored child care is a requirement that would
afford "women a degree of economic independence" and
therefore full social citizenship (p.2). But, Michel argues, from
the outset the effort to establish affordable quality child care
in the U.S. was a failure. She sees "the history of child
care in America [as] one of rights withheld," as well as a
story of "maternalist invention," or, in other words,
the history of "working mothers' efforts to find care for
their children when formal or institutional services were
unavailable." Michel concludes that the lack of universal
government funded child care in the U.S. does not result simply
from a "male conspiracy" to keep women out of the paid
labor force. Instead, this circumstance is a product of "a
politics of maternalism" advocated by male and female policy
makers who "accepted the notion that mothers properly
belonged at home with their children" (p.3). Within this
discourse, "the presence of mothers in the workforce is
presented not as a normal feature of advanced market economies
but as a 'social problem' thus children's interests are
implicitly positioned in opposition to women's rights"(p.3).
For Michel, this explains why "universal child care,
organized and supported by the government, remain[s] an elusive
social good in the United States" (p.1).
Both Michel and Rose conclude
that early child care was limited and many working-class mothers
chose to avoid the heavy handed morality dispensed by
institutional providers. During the Progressive Era professional
child care organizations (such as the National Federation of Day
Nurseries and the Association of Day Nurseries of New York City)
were established and private nursery schools became the elite
child care facilities. Divisions between advocates of custodial
and developmental care split child care interests. On top of
that, the establishment and growth of mothers' pensions
reinforced the idea that the best child care was provided by
mothers who remained at home full-time. Even when the federal
government sponsored Works Progress Administration nursery
schools in the 1930s and expanded day care as a war-time
necessity during World War II, the U.S. Children's Bureau
maintained that stay-at-home mothers provided the best care for
young children. There was no long-term commitment to child care
as an enhancement of women's employment opportunities or for
children's development.
Efforts to retain child care
services largely failed in the United States, but were expanded
in other nations during the post-World War II period. According
to Michel, this divergence grew by the 1970s and 1980s, leaving
the United States far behind. Michel ends her book by doing a
comparative analysis of day care's development in Sweden,
Japan, Australia, Canada, and France. She maintains that
especially in Australia and Canada, "a combination of strong
movements of child care advocates, parents, and feminists,
supported by labor, who were committed to the principle of
universal child care, and the conjunction of these movements with
a sustained period of left-liberal (or social democratic
hegemony) created a government commitment to affordable and high
quality day care." In the United States, "never having
enjoyed the benefits of universal child care outside wartime,
Americans appear to have become inured by the constant struggle
to find adequate services in a fragmented system based on
competition and inequality" (pp.295-96). For Michel,
philosophical and turf divisions within the child care movement
and connected advocacies fueled American policy makers'
predisposition to glorify motherhood, "whether actual or
potential" and therefore limit women's access to full
citizenship by neglecting affordable-high-quality day care.
Michel's story of day care
policy is thorough and includes most of the recent work on social
welfare policy development. Nevertheless, it is a little
single-minded in its argument focusing on child care as a
woman's right linked to equal employment opportunities.
Recent studies suggest that access to good early-childhood
education should be every child's right as well. For
example, an October 22, 1999, New York Times
article explains that young adults who
attended high quality day care facilities as children
"consistently outperform their peers. . . on both cognitive
and academic tests, and also were more likely to attend college
or hold high-skill jobs."
A closer evaluation of
children's experiences in day care will add to this history.
There also needs to be more attention to the kinds of employment
actually open to women in the early years of the twentieth
century. The Children's Bureau's advocacy of
mothers' pensions and Aid to Dependent Children happened at
a time when most employment open to working class workers, both
male and female, was low paid and dangerous. The Bureau's
reluctance to embrace equal employment opportunities for mothers
certainly hindered progress for working women, but it should be
understood in the context of the times.
In addition, the diversity of the
U.S. population may also shed light on America's reluctance
to embrace day care as national policy. Michel notes that during
the nineteenth century many working mothers avoided institutional
day care because it challenged their own values and maternal
philosophy. This reluctance to give child rearing "over to
strangers" may be strongest in a diverse nation like the
United States. A homogenous population, such as that in Sweden,
with a foundation of more closely shared values may make the
effort to obtain government sponsored child care much easier.
This may also help to explain the very recent movement away from
government sponsored social services in nations such as Canada
and Australia as the populations in these countries have become
more diverse by new waves of immigrants.
Elizabeth Rose's study looks
at some of these questions in more detail by examining the actual
use of day care by families in two Philadelphia nurseries. Rose
skillfully examines the "gradual transformation of day care
from a charity for poor single mothers to a socially legitimate
need of 'normal' families, and even a potential
responsibility of the state." According to Rose, "Day
care is simultaneously attached and defended today because, even
though its meaning has changed over time, it has never been
completely transformed" (p.5). Consistent with Michel's
findings, Rose argues that early child care facilities were
established for charitable reasons. By the 1910s and 1920s
custodial day care was criticized by professional social workers
that denounced mothers' employment. During the 1930s and 40s
national priorities put pressure on the government to support
child care. But, by the 1950s public support waned and day care
was again tainted with the label of charity and neglectful
The strength of Elizabeth
Rose's book is her creative use of case studies created by
social workers at the day nurseries. The elite women who
established the first day care facilities in Philadelphia viewed
them as filling an unavoidable gap in mothering among poor
working women. The women who used the Philadelphia nurseries for
their children viewed their need for day care as "an
extension, not an abdication of their responsibilities as
mothers." This division between elites and working-class
mothers has never been fully reconciled, thereby tainting the use
of day care for all women among policy makers and public opinion.
Rose's history offers insight into what it means to be a
"good mother" and how this has changed over time
influenced by race, class, and national priorities. Rose's
cautious use of case studies shows who used the facilities and
why. She concludes that "by portraying women's
mothering work as inherently in conflict with their wage work of
mothering, maternalist reformers denied poor and working-class
women's own definitions of motherhood, as well as their need
for assistance." As a consequence, "in the attempt to
valorize the work of mothering and meet the needs of children,
these reformers ended up reducing the options available to women
who needed or wanted to support, as well as to care for, their
children" (p.9). Rose maintains that day care programs have
continued to be stratified by class. "Perhaps the most
damaging result of our failure to support day care is that many
children spend their days in poor-quality care" (p.217).
Children's Interests/Mothers Rights
and A Mother's Job
are welcome and needed histories of day
care. They fall somewhat short in placing the lack of attention
to day care within the larger context of the United States'
reluctance to care for its children's education, health, and
other needs at the federal level. But, these two books together
provide perceptive analysis of the one aspect of the history of
childhood and education with links to citizenship, rights, and
class that shape so much of the history of social welfare in the
United States.
- For example see Barbara Beatty, Preschool
Education in America: The Culture of Young Children from the
Colonial Era to the Present
(New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1995); Mary Frances
Berry, The Politics of Parenthood: Child Care,
Women's Rights, and the Myth of the Good Mother
(New York: Viking, 1993); Hamilton
Cravens, Before Head Start: The Iowa Station and
America's Children
(Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1993);
Susan M. Hartmann, The Homefront and Beyond:
American Women in the 1940s
(Boston: Twayne, 1982); and Molly Ladd-Taylor, Mother-Work:
Women, Child Welfare, and the State, 1890-1930 (Urbana,
Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1994).
- Sonya Alice Michel, Children's
Interests/Mothers' Rights: Women, Professionals, and the American
Family, 1920-1945. Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University,
1986; and Elizabeth Rose, Maternal Work: Day Care in
Philadelphia, 1890-1960. Ph.D. dissertation, Rutgers State
University, 1994.
- Ruth Rosen, "Secrets of the Second
Sex in Scholarly Life," The Chronicle of Higher
Education (July 30, 1999):
A48; T. H. Marshall, Citizenship and Social Class
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1950; reprint, London: Pluto Press, 1992).
- Jodi Wilgoren, "Quality Day Care,
Early Is Tied to Achievements as an Adult," New
York Times (October 22,
About the Reviewer
Kriste Lindenmeyer
Kriste Lindenmeyer is author of A Right to Childhood:
The U.S. Children's Bureau and Child Welfare, 1912-46
(Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1997).
This review is a joint project of the Education Review
and H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences (at