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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission is an invited or preapproved book review or an essay invited by series editors. Any other type of work will not be considered in this journal.
  • If a book review, the submission is under 2,000 words (preferred length is 1,500 words). If the editors preapproved the submission of an essay review containing more than 2,000 words, this should be noted as a Comment to the Editor during Step 1 of the submission process.
  • The file is in a standard word-processing format (such as Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format). The main text is double-spaced, written in 12-point (preferably Garamond) font, contains no numbered or bulleted paragraphs, and is formatted according to the guidelines of 7th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), unless otherwise specified. The first line of each new paragraph should be indented by one-half inch or 1.27 cm. Do not add additional spaces between paragraphs. All titles in citations should be sentence-case, not title case.
  • The prose has been written in readable, professional English, Spanish, or Portuguese, and has been proofread for grammar (e.g., active voice, limited personification) and conventions (e.g., spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing).
  • The submission is entirely the work of the author(s) and the first and last names, affiliations, e-mail addresses, and ORCiDs of all author(s) are included with the submission. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools cannot be considered or listed as an author of a submission. The use of AI tools such as ChatGPT to assist in the production of manuscripts is an emerging issue in research. Like most journals, Education Review requires that the author(s) be responsible for the creation and interpretation of their work and accountable for its accuracy, integrity, and validity. Any use of AI to produce the submission should be detailed in the Comments to the Editor and any text or analyses produced using AI should be checked for accuracy, refined, and elaborated by the author(s).
  • The submission is not under consideration for publication by another journal, nor has it been previously published, unless an explanation of a special circumstance is provided in Comments to the Editor.
  • Every review should begin with the full citation of the reviewed book, including author/s (including first initial/s), copyright date, full title including any subtitle, place of publication, publisher, number of pages, and ISBN number. The reference of the book under review is not included in a reference list.
  • If accepted for publication, final versions of book reviews must be placed in the standard journal template, provided to the Author of the review from the Editor.
  • Author(s) confirm that there are no conflicts of interest to report.
  • Note to students: While the journal publishes reviews authored by students, we ask that students do not submit book reviews for class assignments. If a professor or instructor has suggested that you submit a book review for consideration, please note this as a Comment to the Editor in Step #1 of the submission process, providing the name of the professor, course, program, and university associated with the assignment. and any other pertinent information that qualifies you to write the review.

Author Guidelines

All reviews are processed through our online managing system and all registered users must register as Authors in order to create a new submission.   

Reviews may be submitted through the online line portal within the author account section, via the New Submission link. 

The final publication of reviews depends on the Editors' judgment.  The journal is committed to prompt turnaround times on its reviews, and commissioned reviews should be completed by the agreed upon deadline. The standard timeframe for the completion of a book review is 8-10 weeks. Failure to meet such deadlines removes any obligation to publish the article, although this decision remains at the Editors' discretion.

More than one submission by the same author will not be accepted, and new submissions be not be accepted by an author with another submission pending review. The Editors reserve the right to accept or deny requests to review, and the submission of a review or revision does not guarantee publication.

The best book reviews are not book reports—we discourage descriptive, often tedious, summaries of book chapters. We seek book reviews that discuss strengths, weaknesses, originality of ideas, and relevance of the book’s arguments by explaining, interpreting, and analyzing the text.

When we evaluate book reviews, we ask does the author:

  • examine the content of the book, the author’s treatment of the topic, and the author’s conclusions?
  • provide a clear idea of the contents of the book under consideration?
  • integrate the various themes of the book, avoiding a chapter-by-chapter treatment of topics?
  • position the book within the discipline and/or suggest its importance to the field?
  • illustrate and discuss the strong and weak points of the book in a critical and respectful manner?
  • quotations from the book or related works to illustrate or provide specific examples of the type of analysis or style of the author? (not a succession of long quotations)
  • present a reasoned evaluation of the book and its conclusions?
  • write in a clear and engaging style?
  • achieve high standards of clarity of presentation, organization of ideas, format and length?

Additional issues to consider:

  • What is the book like as a physical and aesthetic object?
  • Who are the authors, what are their particular credentials in this area, and why are they  experts on this topic?
  • For whom are the authors writing? (academics, students, and/or the general public)? Is the book appropriate for its audience?
  • What other books have been published on this topic in the past five years? How does the book compare to other works on this topic?
  • Is there a notably strong or weak characteristic? If so, explain.
  • What’s the importance of this book for scholars, professionals and other people interested in educational issues (“Why should an educational researcher/educator care about this book?”)
Above all, remember that a book review is meant to be a resource to readers, providing enough detail, perspective, and insight to help readers to make an informed decision about whether or not they will pursue reading the book in entirety.          

Acquired Wisdom

This section is for invited manuscripts only.

Pedagogical Legacies

This section is for invited manuscripts only.


This is a dummy section for the new book forum. 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.