Review of Campus uprisings: How student activists and collegiate leaders resist racism and create hope


  • Demeturie Toso-Lafaele Gogue University of California, Los Angeles
  • Nicholas F. Havey University of California, Los Angeles


Biografía del autor/a

Demeturie Toso-Lafaele Gogue, University of California, Los Angeles

Demeturie Toso-Lafaele Gogue is a second year PhD student in the Higher Education and Organizational Change program at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Nicholas F. Havey, University of California, Los Angeles

Nicholas F. Havey is a third year PhD student in the Higher Education and Organizational Change program at the University of California, Los Angeles, and 2020-2021 UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement Fellow.


Davis, S., & Harris, J. C. (2015). But we didn't mean it like that: A critical race analysis of campus responses to racial incidents. Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs, 2(1), 6.

Ferguson, R. A. (2017). We demand: The university and student protests (Vol. 1). University of California Press.

Rhoads, R. A. (1998). Freedom's web: Student activism in an age of cultural diversity. The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Thelin, J. R. (2011). A history of American higher education. The Johns Hopkins University Press.




Cómo citar

Gogue, D. T.-L., & Havey, N. F. (2021). Review of Campus uprisings: How student activists and collegiate leaders resist racism and create hope. Reseñas Educativas, 28.



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