A Review of Horn and Wilburn’s The Mismeasure of Education


  • Mark J Garrison Professor, Education Policy & Research D'Youville College



Biografia do Autor

Mark J Garrison, Professor, Education Policy & Research D'Youville College

Dr. Mark Garrison is Professor of Education Policy & Research at D'Youville College. He is a noted sociologist of education focusing on applying the insights of social research to help educators better understand and thereby improve the quality of education. His research and publications have won him acclaim, including the 2010 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title from the American Library Association for his book, A Measure of Failure (SUNY Press, 2009). He is also the recipient of the 2004 DYC AAUP Scholar of the Year award. He has become a noted critic of current education reform efforts, with a growing array of presentations, papers and journal articles examining the political aspects of education reform.


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Como Citar

Garrison, M. J. (2015). A Review of Horn and Wilburn’s The Mismeasure of Education. Resenhas Educativas/ANPEd, 22. https://doi.org/10.14507/er.v22.1848



Essay Reviews