Review of Closing the school discipline gap: Equitable remedies for excessive exclusion


  • Nicholas Triplett University of North Carolina at Charlotte
  • Amber C. Bryant University of North Carolina at Charlotte
  • Azure Covington University of North Carolina at Charlotte
  • Tameka Ardrey University of North Carolina at Charlotte


Biografia do Autor

Nicholas Triplett, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Curriculum and Instruction

Urban Education 

Doctoral Student

Amber C. Bryant, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Curriculum and Instruction

Urban Education 

Doctoral Student

Azure Covington, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Curriculum and Instruction

Urban Education 

Doctoral Student

Tameka Ardrey, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Curriculum and Instruction

Urban Education 

Doctoral Student


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Como Citar

Triplett, N., Bryant, A. C., Covington, A., & Ardrey, T. (2016). Review of Closing the school discipline gap: Equitable remedies for excessive exclusion. Resenhas Educativas/ANPEd, 23.



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