Vol. 12 (2005)
January Reviews
1) Cecil, Nancy Lee (2004) Activities for a Comprehensive Approach to Literacy. Reviewed by Brenda Reed.
2) Foster, Graham (2003) Language Arts Idea Bank. Reviewed by Carla A. Hendrix.
3) Miller,Wilma H. (2005) Improving Early Literacy: Strategies and Activities for Struggling Students (K-3). Reviewed by Robert F. Walch.
4) Popham, W. James (2004) America’s “Failing” Schools: How Parents and Teachers Can Cope With No Child Left Behind. Reviewed by Sharon Naylor.
5) Sher, Barbara (2004) Smart Play: 101 Fun, Easy Games That Enhance Intelligence. Reviewed by Melinda Pierson.
6) Sigmon, Cheryl M. & Ford, Sylvia M. (2004) Just-Right Writing Min-iLessons, Grade 1. Reviewed by Melinda R. Pierson.
7) Steinberg, Mark & Othmer, Siegfried (2004) ADD: The 20 Hour Solution: Training Minds to Concentrate and Self Regulate Naturally Without Medication. Reviewed by Ivy Fauntleroy.
8) Steinberg, Shirley R. & Kincheloe, Joe L., editors (2004) 19 Urban Questions:
Teaching in the City. Reviewed by Adelaide Phelps.
February Reviews
1) Bracey, Gerald W. (2004) Setting the Record Straight: Responses to Misconceptions about Public Education in the U.S. Reviewed by Mary Phillips Manke.
2) Doll, Beth, Zucker, Steven & Brehm, Katherine (2004) Resilient Classrooms: Creating Healthy Environments for Learning. Reviewed by Ruth Rees.
3) Karten, Toby J. (2005) Inclusion Strategies That Work! Reviewed by Vickie L. Vance.
4) Kinnear, Paul R. & Gray, Colin D. (2004) SPSS 12 Made Simple. Reviewed by Eric Jabal.
5) Lee, Chris (2004) Preventing Bullying in Schools. Reviewed by Laurel Haycock.
6) McGee, Lea & Richgels, Donald (2003) Designing Early Literacy Programs. Reviewed by Cynthia Crosser.
7) McLaughlin, Maureen & DeVoogd, Glenn L. (2004) Critical Literacy. Reviewed by S. Chee Choy.
8) Mooney, Margaret E. (2004) A Book is a Present: Selecting Text for Intentional Teaching. Reviewed by Stephanie DeLano Davis.
9) O’Hara, Mark (2004) ICT in the Early Years. Reviewed by Selma Vonderwell.
10) Queen, J. Allen & Queen, Patsy S. (2005) The Frazzled Principal’s Wellness Plan. Reviewed by Marla Mutis.
11) Rose, Karel & Kincheloe, Joe L. (2003) Art, Culture, & Education. Reviewed by Brian Burtt.
March Reviews
1) Cole, Ardith Davis (2004) When Reading Begins: The Teacher’s Role in Decoding, Comprehension, and Fluency. Reviewed by Cynthia Crosser.
2) Compton-Lilly, Catherine (2003) Reading Families: The Literate Lives of Urban Children. Reviewed by Dana Murray Patterson.
3) Gallagher, Kelly (2004) Deeper Reading: Comprehending Challenging Texts, 4–12. Reviewed by Alan Haskvit.
4) Intrator, Sam. M. (2004) Tuned In and Fired Up: How Teaching Can Inspire Real Learning in the Classroom. Review by Alan Haskvitz.
5) Weaver, Brenda M. (2004)
Ready-to-Use Reading Assessments & Intervention Strategies for K-2. Reviewed by Melinda Pierson.
April Reviews
1) Danforth, Scot & Smith, Terry Jo (2005). Engaging Troubling Students: A Constructivist Approach. Reviewed by Randy Baker.
2) Egan, Kieran. (2005). An Imaginative Approach to Teaching. Reviewed by Robert F. Walch.
3) Eisler, Riane & Miller, Ron. (Eds.) (2004). Educating for a Culture of Peace. Reviewed by Amy Garrett Dikkers.
4) Filene, Peter. (2005). The Joy of Teaching: A Practical Guide for New College Instructors. Reviewed by N. Kim Doan.
5) Johnston, Peter H. (2004). Choice Words: How Our Language Affects Children’s Learning. Reviewed by Erica Renee Aaron.
6) Michael, Joel A. & Modell, Harold I. (2003). Active Learning in Secondary and College Science Classrooms. Reviewed by Carol O'Donnell.
7) Pierangelo, Roger (2004). The Special Educator’s Survival Guide. Reviewed by Kristin K. Stang.
8) Quintero, Elizabeth P. (2004). Problem Posing with Multicultural Children's Literature. Reviewed by Melissa Cast.
9) Rathvon, Natalie (2004) Early Reading Assessment: A Practitioner’s Handbook. Reviewed by Guy Trainin & Beth Leader-Janssen.
10) Rogovin, Paula (2004). Why Can’t You Behave?: The Teacher’s Guide to Creative Classroom Management, K-3. Reviewed by Virginia G. Johnson.
11) Sanders, Susan M. (2003) Teen Dating Violence: The Invisible Peril. Reviewed by Tawny L. Beal.
12) Wilhelm, Jeffrey D. (2004) Reading IS Seeing: Learning to Visualize Scenes, Characters, Ideas, and Text Worlds to Improve Comprehension and Reflective Reading. Reviewed by Judy Walker.
May Reviews
1) Cary, Stephen. (2004). Going Graphic: Comics at Work in the Multilingual Classroom. Reviewed by Robert F. Walch.
2) Hill, Lynn T.; Stremmel, Andrew J. & Fu, Victoria R. (2005) Teaching as Inquiry: Rethinking Curriculum in Early Childhood Education. Reviewed by Jiryung Ahn.
3) Levine, Mel D. (2005). Ready or Not Here Life Comes. Reviewed by Alene B. Walker.
4) MacBeath, John E. C. & Sugimine, Hidenori. (2003). Self-evaluation in the Global Classroom. Reviewed by Natalie Zayas.
5) Mahony, Terry. (2003). Words Work! How to Change Your Language to Improve Behaviour in Your Classroom. Reviewed by Patricia A. Gross.
6) Sklare, Gerald B. (2005). Brief Counseling That Works: A Solution Focused Approach for School Counselors and Administrators. Reviewed by Stacie R. Schoellman.
June Reviews
1) Conley, David (2005). College Knowledge: What It Really Takes for Students to Succeed and What We Can Do to Get Them Ready. Reviewed by Robert F. Walch.
2) Kedro, M. James (2004). Aligning Resources for Student Outcomes. Reviewed by Sharon Naylor.
3) Kuykendall, Crystal (2004). From Rage to Hope: Strategies for Reclaiming Black & Hispanic Students. Reviewed by Milcah Hawk.
4) Martin, James & Samels, James E. (2004). Presidential Transition in Higher Education. Reviewed by Kimberly Nehls.
5) O’Hara, Mark (2004) Teaching 38: Meeting the Standards for Initial Teacher Training
and Induction. Reviewed by Mary Ransdel.
6) Roberts, Jane (2004). 25 Prewriting Graphic Organizers and Planning Sheets. Reviewed by Ruth Rees.
7) Valenza, Joyce Kasman (2004). Power Tools Recharged: 125+ Essential Forms and Presentations for Your School Library Information Program. Reviewed by Sheila Kirven.
July Reviews
1) Braunger, Jane; Donahue, David M.; Evans, Kate & Galguera, Tomás (2004). Rethinking Preparation for Content Area Teaching. Reviewed by Naomi Jeffery Petersen.
2) Burns, Edward (2004). The Special Education Consultant Teacher. Reviewed by Kimberly Maich.
3) Carr, Eileen; Aldinger, Loviah & Patberg, Judythe (2004). Teaching Comprehension: A Systematic and Practical Framework With Lessons and Strategies. Reviewed by Katie Wester Neal.
4) Chu, Godwin C. & Schramm, Wilbur (2004). Learning From Television: What the Research Says. Reviewed by Letitia V. Fowler.
5) Davidson, Bob; Davidson, Jan & Vanderkam, Laura (2004). Genius Denied: How to Stop Wasting Our Brightest Young Minds. Reviewed by Keely S. Porter.
6) Drapeau, Patti (2004). Differentiated Instruction: Making It Work. Reviewed by Kathy Seibold.
7) Routman, Regie (2005). Writing Essentials. Reviewed by Danielle Werts.
8) Sax, Leonard (2005). Why Gender Matters: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know About the Emerging Science of Sex Differences. Reviewed by Stephanie Trudeaux.
9) Shaywitz, Sally (2003). Overcoming Dyslexia. Reviewed by Paula L. Bjork.
10) Simon, Liz (2005). Write as an Expert: Explicit Teaching of Genres. Reviewed by Louis Lim.
11) Sweeney, Alyse (2004). Teaching the Essentials of Reading with Picture Books. Reviewed by Pam Guess.
12) Vuko, Evelyn Porreca (2004). Teacher Says: 30 Foolproof Ways to Help Kids Thrive in School. Reviewed by Darcus D. Smith.
August Reviews
1) Allitt, Patrick (2005). I’m the Teacher, You’re the Student: A Semester in the University Classroom. Reviewed by Bruce M. Sabin.
2) Boynton, Alice & Blevins, Wiley (2004) Nonfiction Passages with Graphic Organizers for Independent Practice. Reviewed by Bo White.
3) College Entrance Examination Board (2004). College Counseling Sourcebook. Reviewed by Sandy Montgomery.
4) Columba, Lynn; Kim, Cathy Y. & Moe, Alden J. (2005) The Power of Picture Books in Teaching Math and Science. Reviewed by Christina Siry.
5) Culham, Ruth (2005). 6+1 Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide for Primary Grades. Reviewed by Talana L. Vogel.
6) Dawson, Peg, & Guare, Richard (2004). Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents. Reviewed by Cynthia Crosser.
7) Dellinger, John (2005). The Substitute Teaching Survival Guide. Reviewed by Robert F. Walch.
8) Fisher, Mercedes M. (2003). Designing Courses and Teaching on the Web. Reviewed by Arline Richardson.
9) Handwerker, Mark J. (2005). Science Essentials, Elementary Level. Reviewed by Natalie Zayas.
10) Miller, Wilma H. (2005). Improving Early Literacy: K-3. Reviewed by Blair Koefoed.
11) Pressley, Michael et al. (2003). Motivating Primary Grade Students. Reviewed by Michelle M. Servais.
12) Robb, Laura (2004). Nonfiction Writing From the Inside Out. Reviewed by Karen Csoli.
13) Sigmon, Cheryl M. & Ford, Sylvia M. (2005). Just-Right Writing Mini-Lessons, Grades 2-3. Reviewed by Seth J. Batiste.
14) Starko, Alane Jordan (2005). Creativity in the Classroom. Reviewed by Ann S. Hernandez.
15) Winter, Matt (2003). Asperger Syndrome: What Teachers Need to Know. Reviewed by Sharon Naylor.
16) Wiseman, Donna L., Elish-Piper, Laurie & Wiseman, Angela M. (2005). Learning to Teach Language Arts in a Field-Based Setting. Reviewed by Melanie Tait.
September Reviews
1) Benard, Bonnie (2004) Resiliency: What We Have Learned. Reviewed by Angela Zwygart.
2) Block, Cathy Collins; Rodgers, Lori L. & Johnson, Rebecca B. (2004). Comprehension Process Instruction: Creating Reading Success in Grades K-3. Reviewed by Libby Limbrick.
3) Copeland, Matt (2005). Socratic Circles: Fostering Critical and Creative Thinking in Middle and High School. Reviewed by Lalita Subrahmanyan.
4) Garrick, Ross (2004). Playing Outdoors in the Early Years. Reviewed by Christina Siry.
5) Morgan, Bruce & Odom, Deb (2005). Writing Through the Tween Years. Reviewed by Pariss Garramone.
6) NoppeBrandon, Gail (2004). Find Your Voice: A Methodology for Enhancing Literacy Through
Re-Writing and Re-Acting. Reviewed by Kathryn Pole.
7) Primary Source, Inc. (2004). Making Freedom: African Americans in United States History. Reviewed by Alan Haskvitz.
8) Probst, Robert E. (2004). Response and Analysis: Teaching Literature in Secondary School. Reviewed by Anne Arthur.
9) Sweeney, Alyse (2004). Fluency Lessons for the Overhead: Grades 4 - 6. Reviewed by by Kimberly Lenters.
10) Thomas, R. Murray (2005). High Stakes Testing: Coping with Collateral Damage. Reviewed by Sheila Kirven.
11) Thompson, Frances McBroom (2004). Math Essentials, Middle School Level.
Reviewed by Alan Haskvitz.
12) Umstatter, Jack (2005). Readers at Risk: 160 Activities to Develop Language Arts Skills in the Inclusive Classroom. Reviewed by Robert F. Walch.
October Reviews
1) Bender, Yvonne (2005). The Tactful Teacher: Effective Communication with Parents,Colleagues, and Administrators. Reviewed by Alan Haskvitz.
2) Chabot, Daniel & Chabot, Michel (2004). Emotional Pedagogy: To Feel in Order to Learn: Incorporating Emotional Intelligence in Your Teaching Strategies. Reviewed by Sunil Moreker and Reviewed by Marcia W. Davis.
3) Day, Christopher (2004). A Passion for Teaching. Reviewed by Arna Seal.
4) Diffily, Deborah & Sassman Charlotte (2005). Managing Independent Reading. Reviewed by Venesser M. Pate.
5) Herrington, Anne & Moran, Charles, Editors (2005). Genre Across the Curriculum. Reviewed by Naomi Williamson.
6) Means, Barbara & Haertel, Geneva D. (2004). Using Technology Evaluation to Enhance Student Learning. Reviewed by Vetta Vratulis.
7) New Zealand. Ministry of Education. (2003). Effective Literacy Practice in Years 1 to 4. Reviewed by Mary Ratchford Douglas.
8) Partin, Ronald L. (2004). Classroom Teacher's Survival Guide. Reviewed by Alan Haskvitz.
9) Routman, Regie (2004). Writing Essentials: Raising Expectations and Results While Simplifying Teaching. Reviewed by Stephanie White.
10) Shalaway, Linda (2005). Learning to Teach ... Not Just for Beginners. Reviewed by Darcus D.
11) Woodfield, Lynda (2004). Physical Development in the Early Years. Reviewed by Kathleen E. Fite.
12) Zemelman, Steven; Daniels, Harvey & Hyde,Arthur (2005). Best Practice: Today's Standards for Teaching and Learning in America's Schools. Reviewed by Kathleen E. Fite.
November Reviews
1) Breault, Donna Adair & Breault, Rick, Editors (2005) Experiencing Dewey: Insights for Today's Classroom. Reviewed by Mary Ransdell.
2) Freeman, David E. & Freeman Yvonne S. (2004) Essential Linguistics: What You Need to Know to Teach Reading, ESL, Spelling, Phonics, and Grammar. Reviewed by Pablo Delgado.
3) Kendall, Juli & Khuon, Outey (2005). Making Sense: Small Group Comprehension Lessons for English Language Learners. Reviewed by Kathy Irwin.
4. Murakami, Yoichiro; Kawamura, Noiko & Chiba, Shin, editors. (2005) Toward a Peaceable Future. Reviewed by Joel F. Shapiro.
December Reviews
1) Fried, Robert L. (2005). The Game of School: Why We All Play It, How It Hurts Kids, and What It Will Take to Change It. Reviewed by Lisa Erickson.
2) Goodman, Yetta M., Watson, Dorothy & Burke, Carolyn (2005). Reading Miscue Inventory: From Evaluation to Instruction. Reviewed by Kathleen E. Fite.
3) Kells, Michelle Hall, Balester, Valerie & Villanueva, Victor. Eds (2004). Latino/a Discourses: On Language, Identity & Literacy Education. Reviewed by Dora R. Fitzgerald.
4) Kirchner, Glenn (2005). Towards Cooperative Learning in Elementary School Physical Education. Reviewed by Kathy Seibold.
5) Kronick, Robert F. (2005). Full Service Community Schools: Prevention of Delinquency in Students With Mental Illness and/or Poverty. Reviewed by Bob Utke.
6) McMullen, Carol S. (2005). Creating a Bully-Free Classroom. Reviewed by Stephanie White.
7) Muldaur, Sheila (2004) Genre Assessments for Informational, Biographical, and Procedural Texts with Reading Passages for Informational, Biographical, and Procedural Texts. Reviewed by Monica Evans.
8) Rasinski, Timothy V. & Padak, Nancy (2005). 3-Minute Reading Assessments. Reviewed by Jesse