NEPC Review: Searching for the Tipping Point: Scaling up Public School Choice Spurs Citywide Gains (Public Policy Institute, October 2024) [Reprint].


  • David R. Garcia Arizona State University


David R. Garcia's review of the Public Policy Institute's report, Searching for the Tipping Point: Scaling up Public School Choice Spurs Citywide Gains, reprinted here with the kind permission of the National Education Policy Center (NEPC), University of Colorado Boulder ( The review was made possible in part by funding from Great Lakes Center for Educational Research and Practice.


Author Biography

David R. Garcia, Arizona State University

David R. Garcia is an associate professor in the Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation at Arizona State University. Garcia's professional experience includes extensive work in education policy development and implementation. His scholarship centers on school choice, accountability, and research utilization. In 2018, he published School Choice (MIT Press). His current book, Teach Truth to Power (MIT Press, 2022), is on the intersection between research, policy, and politics.


Pankovits, T., & Marshall, W. (2024, October). Searching for the tipping point: Scaling up public school choice spurs citywide gains. Progressive Policy Institute.




How to Cite

Garcia, D. R. (2025). NEPC Review: Searching for the Tipping Point: Scaling up Public School Choice Spurs Citywide Gains (Public Policy Institute, October 2024) [Reprint]. Education Review, 32. Retrieved from



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