Review of Can Education Change Society? Michael Apple’s Simple Question and Complex Answer


  • Connie Lynn Schaffer University of Nebraska at Omaha


Biografia do Autor

Connie Lynn Schaffer, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Dr. Connie Schaffer is an Assistant Professor in the Teacher Education Department at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO).  She earned her post-secondary degrees from Kansas State University (BS – Secondary Education) and the University of Nebraska at Omaha (MS – Special Education & Ed.D – Educational Administration and Supervision).  She is a long-time advocate of K-12 public education.  Her research interests include field experiences within teacher preparation programs and preparing educators to work in urban schools. 


Apple, M.W. (2006). Educating the “right” way: Markets, standards, God, and inequality, 2nd edition, New York, NY: Routledge.

Apple, M.W. (2010). Len Barton, critical education and the problem of ‘decentered unities’, International Studies in Sociology of Education, 20(2), 93-107. doi:10.1080/09620214.2010.503057

Counts, G. (1932). Dare the school build a new social order? New York, NY: Henry Holt.

Moreton, B. (2009). To serve God and Wal-Mart: The making of Christian free enterprise, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Education. (n.d). Michael Apple: Bio: Retrieved January 19, 2015 from:




Como Citar

Schaffer, C. L. (2015). Review of Can Education Change Society? Michael Apple’s Simple Question and Complex Answer. Resenhas Educativas/ANPEd, 22.



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