Review of "Dumb Ideas Won't Create Smart Kids: Straight Talk About Bad School Reform, Good Teaching, and Better Learning"


  • Gary L. Anderson New York University United States


Biografia do Autor

Gary L. Anderson, New York University United States

Gary L. Anderson is a professor in the Educational Leadership program at NYU Steinhardt. A former high school teacher and principal, he has published on topics such as critical ethnography, action research, school micro-politics, new policy networks and the new professional. His most recent books are Advocacy Leadership: Toward a Post-Reform Agenda (2009, Routledge) and The Action Research Dissertation: A Guide for Students and Faculty, Second Edition (2014, Sage).


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Ginsberg, M. and Gorostiaga, J. (2001). Relationships between theorists/researchers and policy makers/practitioners: Rethinking the two cultures thesis and the possibility of dialogue. Comparative Education Review, 45(2), 173-189.

Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.

Lakoff, G. (2006). Thinking points: Communicating our American values and vision. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.

Payne, C. (2008). So much reform, so little change: The persistence of failure in urban schools. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.




Como Citar

Anderson, G. L. (2015). Review of "Dumb Ideas Won’t Create Smart Kids: Straight Talk About Bad School Reform, Good Teaching, and Better Learning". Resenhas Educativas/ANPEd, 22.



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