Review of "Teaching at Twilight: The Meaning of Education in the Age of Collapse" by A. Afzaal


  • Karl Wheatley Cleveland State University


Biografia do Autor

Karl Wheatley, Cleveland State University

Karl F. Wheatley is an associate professor of P-5 teacher education at Cleveland State University (CSU). He earned a BA in psychology from the University of Michigan, an MAT in early childhood education from Oakland University, and a PhD in educational psychology from Michigan State University. His past research focused on teacher efficacy beliefs, the benefits of child-initiated learning, unschooling, healthy nutrition, and the problems with traditional schooling in general and the standards and accountability movement in particular. For the last decade, his research, teaching, and advocacy have focused on the ecological and societal crises humanity faces and their implications for education and society. He spearheaded an effort to redesign CSU’s P-5 teacher education program to better prepare teachers to develop in their pupils the wisdom, skills, motivations, and character needed to help heal societies and ecosystems. He is a member of the Planetary Limits Academic Network (PLAN).


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Como Citar

Wheatley, K. (2024). Review of "Teaching at Twilight: The Meaning of Education in the Age of Collapse" by A. Afzaal. Resenhas Educativas/ANPEd, 31.



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