Review of Improving instruction through supervision, evaluation, and professional development


  • Jeff Palmer Adams University of Toronto & Havergal College


Biografía del autor/a

Jeff Palmer Adams, University of Toronto & Havergal College

Jeffrey Palmer Adams holds an MSc and BSc and is currently completing a PhD in curriculum, teaching, and learning at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. His teaching career began in 2006 as a math and science teacher at Crescent School, an all-boys independent school and he is currently teaching mathematics at Havergal College, an all-girls independent school in Toronto, Ontario. Jeff has been involved in many action research projects throughout his career and previously served as a committee member for the Toronto Action Research Group for Excellence in Teaching (TARGET). He has presented at conferences in Canada, the United States, England, China, and Australia on various forms of best practice involving interdisciplinary curriculums, differentiated learning models, and professional learning communities.  


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Cómo citar

Adams, J. P. (2016). Review of Improving instruction through supervision, evaluation, and professional development. Reseñas Educativas, 23.



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