Review of The homeschool choice: Parents and the privatization of education



Biografía del autor/a

Michael W. Apple, University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Manchester

Michael Apple is John Bascom Professor Emeritus of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and Professorial Fellow at the University of Manchester. Among his recent books are: Can Education Change Society?; The Struggle for Democracy in Education: Lessons from Social Realities; and the 4th edition of his classic text Ideology and Curriculum.


Apple, M. W. (2006). Educating the “Right” way: Markets, standards, God, and inequality. (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Apple, M. W. (2013). Can education change society? Routledge.

Apple, M. W. (2020, April 29). Homeschooling, democracy, and regulation: An essay review of Homeschooling: The history and philosophy of a controversial practice by S. F. Peters & J. G. Dwyer. Education Review, 27.

Apple, M. W., Gandin, L. A., Liu, S., Meshulam, A., & Schirmer, E. (2018). The struggle for democracy in education: Lessons from social realities. Routledge.

Apple, R. D. (2006). Perfect motherhood: Science and childrearing in America. Rutgers University Press.

Balmer, R. (2021). Bad faith: Race and the rise of the religious right. Erdmans.

Hall, S. (2017). Selected political writings: The great moving Right show and other essays. Duke University Press.

Lubienski, C., & Brewer, T. J. (2015). Does home education “work”? Challenging the assumption behind the home education movement. In

P. Rothermel (Ed.) International perspectives on home education: Do We Still Need Schools? (pp. 136-147). Palgrave Macmillan.

MacLean, N. (2017). Democracy in chains: The deep history of the Radical Right’s stealth plan for America. Viking.

Peters, S. F. & Dwyer, J. G. (2019). Homeschooling: The history and philosophy of a controversial practice. University of Chicago Press.

Rothermel, P. (Ed.) (2015). International perspectives on home education: Do we still need schools? Palgrave Macmillan.

Stevens, M. (2001). Kingdom of children: Culture and controversy in the homeschooling movement. Princeton University Press.




Cómo citar

Apple, M. W. (2021). Review of The homeschool choice: Parents and the privatization of education. Reseñas Educativas, 28.



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