Review of Spare the rod: Punishment and the moral community of schools



Biografía del autor/a

Michael W. Apple, University of Wisconsin, Madison and the University of Manchester

Michael W. Apple is John Bascom Professor Emeritus of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and Professorial Fellow at the University of Manchester. Among his recent books are: Can Education Change Society?; The Struggle for Democracy in Education: Lessons from Social Realities; and the 4th edition of his classic text Ideology and Curriculum.


Apple, M. W. (1986). Teachers and texts: A political economy of class and gender relations in education. Routledge.

Apple, M. W. (2013). Can education change society? Routledge.

Apple, M. W. (2014). Official knowledge: Democratic education in a conservative age (3rd ed.). Routledge.

Apple, M. W. (2019). Ideology and curriculum (4th ed.). Routledge.

Baldridge, B. (2019). Reclaiming community: Race and the uncertain future of youth work. Stanford University Press.

Bourdieu (1984). Distinction. Harvard University Press.

Burch, P. (Ed.) (2022). System failure: Policy and practice in the school to prison pipeline. Routledge.

Foucault, M. (1995). Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison. Vintage.

Haubrick, V. F., & Apple, M. W. (1975a). Preface. In V. F. Haubrick & M. W. Apple (Eds.) Schooling and the rights of children. (pp. vii-x). McCutchan.

Haubrick, V. F., & Apple, M. W. (Eds.) (1975b). Schooling and the rights of children. McCutchan.

Verma, R., & Apple, M. W. (Eds.) (2021). Disrupting hate in education: Teacher activists, Democracy, and global pedagogies of interruption. Routledge.

Winn, M., & Winn, L. (Eds.) (2021). Restorative justice in education: Transforming teaching and learning through the disciplines. Harvard Education Press.




Cómo citar

Apple, M. W. (2022). Review of Spare the rod: Punishment and the moral community of schools. Reseñas Educativas, 29.



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