Review of Not light but fire: How to lead meaningful race conversations in the classroom


  • Hannah Lee Park American University


Biografia do Autor

Hannah Lee Park, American University

Hannah Lee Park is the Education and School of Professional and Extended Studies Librarian at American University. Her professional roots began in the field of education. She started out as a high school English teacher in the Chicago Public Schools, has taught junior high school English in the Paris, France region, and has taught rhetoric and composition courses at the University of Illinois. In her current role at American University, she works with students, faculty, and staff in the School of Education and School of Professional and Extended Studies on their research needs. She also oversees the Curriculum Materials Center, which contains children’s and young adult literature and K-12 teaching materials. Her research interests include digital and information literacy, multimodal composing practices, and equity, diversity, and inclusion.


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Kendi, I. X. (2019). How to be an antiracist. One World.

Lebedun, J. (1998). Managing workplace conflict. Coastal Training Technologies.

Silberman, M. & Hansburg, F. (2000). PeopleSmart: Developing your interpersonal intelligence. Pfeiffer.

Toegel, G., & Barsoux, J.-L. (2016). How to preempt team conflict. Harvard Business Review, 94(6), 78–

Wright, R. (1940). Native son. Harper.




Como Citar

Park, H. L. (2020). Review of Not light but fire: How to lead meaningful race conversations in the classroom. Resenhas Educativas/ANPEd, 27.



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