Review of Charter school city: What the end of traditional public schools in New Orleans means for American education


  • Mercedes K. Schneider St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana


Biografia do Autor

Mercedes K. Schneider, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana

Mercedes K. Schneider began blogging on educational reform issues in 2013 at She quickly became a trusted source for data-based analysis of the most provocative issues in education and has gained a national readership, including educators and scholars in multiple fields. Schneider has authored four books, all concerning education reform:

  • A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who in the Implosion of American Public Education (2014, Information Age Press)
  • Common Core Dilemma: Who Owns Our Schools? (2015, TC Press)
  • School Choice: The End of Public Education? (2016, TC Press)
  • A Practical Guide to Digital Research: Getting the Facts and Rejecting the Lies (2020, Garn Press)


Schneider holds advanced degrees in secondary English and German (B.S., Louisiana State, 1991), guidance and counseling (M.Ed., West Georgia, 1998), and applied statistics and research methods (Ph.D., Northern Colorado, 2002).  She is an unwavering advocate for public education and teaches high school in her native southern Louisiana. Her teaching career includes 21 full-time years teaching public school and 5 years post-secondary.




Como Citar

Schneider, M. K. (2021). Review of Charter school city: What the end of traditional public schools in New Orleans means for American education. Resenhas Educativas/ANPEd, 28.



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