Homeschooling, democracy, and regulation: An essay review of Homeschooling: The history and philosophy of a controversial practice



Biografia do Autor

Michael W. Apple, Beijing Normal University and University of Wisconsin, Madison

Michael W. Apple is Hui Yan Chair Distinguished Professor of Education at Beijing Normal University and John Bascom Professor Emeritus of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Among his recent books are: Can Education Change Society?, The Struggle for Democracy in Education: Lessons from Social Realities, and the 4th edition of his classic text, Ideology and Curriculum.



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Como Citar

Apple, M. W. (2020). Homeschooling, democracy, and regulation: An essay review of Homeschooling: The history and philosophy of a controversial practice. Resenhas Educativas/ANPEd, 27.



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